Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A Code of Conduct for council committees and mayoral advisory groups

Our town has several council committees and mayoral advisory groups. These groups facilitate public input into Town Council discussions, often resulting in the introduction of resolutions and ordinances.

While members of the respective committees and advisory groups should be commended for their commitment of time and energy, it is essential that they remain impartial and objective in the advice they render.

Indeed there are challenges and inherent restrictions placed upon these individuals in assessing and recommending various options in a conscientious and ethical manner. 

Thus there is a need for a general standard - a "Code of Conduct" - for all committee and advisory group members to ensure they are acting in a manner that is appropriate with regard to their duties and responsibilities. 

Here is an example of a model "Code of Conductfor committee and advisory group members. 

Such a "Code of Conduct" would specify what committee and advisory group members shall not:

(a) Engage in any business or transaction or have a financial or personal interest that is incompatible with the discharge of his or her official duties;

(b) Place themselves in a position where she/he is under obligation to any person who might benefit from special consideration or favor on their part or who might seek in any way preferential treatment;

(c) Accord, in the performance of his or her official duties, preferential treatment to relatives or to organizations in which she/he or his or her relatives have an interest, financial or otherwise;

(d) Deal with an application to the Town for a grant, award, contract or other benefit involving his or her spouse, live-in partner, child or parent;

(e) Place themselves in a position where she/he could derive any direct or indirect benefit or interest from any matter about which they can influence decisions;

(f) Benefit from the use of information acquired during the course of his or her official duties which is not generally available to the public; 

(g) Accept gifts, hospitality, or entertainment that could reasonably be construed as being given in anticipation or recognition of special consideration by his or her respective board or committee; and

(h) Disclose or release by any means, confidential information which they have acquired by virtue of their appointment with the Town for personal or private gain, for the gain of their relatives, affiliated organizations or their employer.

Time is of the essence for the Little Falls town council to adopt and implement a "Code of Conduct" to ensure that all members of council committees and mayoral advisory groups remain impartial and objective with respect to the advice and recommendations they render.


  1. Very helpful. I trust that you have shared this with Mayor Elect Damiano.

  2. Little Falls ResidentDecember 15, 2016 at 4:35 AM

    Thank you Mr. Korotkin for this posting. I trust that Mayor Elect Damiano reads this.
