Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Summer time and the living is easy

It's summer time and according to Ira Gershwin's lyrics "the living is easy." 
This phrase aptly applies to municipal business here in Little Falls.
For when it comes to maximizing citizen engagement and transparency  "the living is easy."
For instance:
a) the Council, which usually meets twice a month, only meets once a month during June, July, August and September;    
b) the Council's video recordings - as of this date - have not been posted on the town's web site since the May 9. 2016 meeting.  In other words, the public does not have access to video recordings for the Council meetings of May 23, June 13, July 11, and August 8;  and
c) the public does not have access to transcripts of these meetings since they too - as of this date - have not been approved for posting on the town's web site.
So it's summer time and the Township fails, in accordance with the Open Public Records Act, to make Council minutes available to the public; and it is not in compliance with The Governor's Best Practices guidelines which recommend that each municipality maintain an up-to-date municipal web site containing Governing Body's Minutes and Agendas.

Clearly, when it's summer time and the living is easy, our Township is on holiday!


  1. Little Falls ResidentAugust 17, 2016 at 6:00 PM

    Thank you Mr. Korotkin for bringing this matter to the public's attention. Isn't the town administrator responsible to ensure the town's compliance?

  2. There appears to be ongoing problems with compliance to regulations by town administration. It's time to elect a new council who are responsible to the public whom they represent .

  3. Compliance to regulations by the town administrator is an ongoing problem. A newly elected council must hold the town administrator accountable.
