Here in Little Falls the November
8th election was a resounding victory for the Democratic candidates running for
Mayor and for two seats on the Town Council.
According to the latest "unofficial" election results available from
the Passaic County Clerk's Office:
Mayoral candidate James Damiano (D) received 3,459 votes and Pamela Porter (R) received 2,358 votes
In the race for the two seats on the Town Council, Maria Cordonnier (D) received 2,987 votes, Anthony Sgobba (D) received 3,024 votes, Louis Fontana (R) received 2,536 votes and Chris Stacy (R) received 2,453.
The newly elected candidates will be sworn-in during the Town Council's Reorganziation Meeting which will be held in January.
This victory is a victory for all in LF.. congratulations to them.. all good people who work very hard to better our town ..